Apr 19, 2009

1)anda perlu printscreen wallpaper yg anda gune skrg.

2) nape suke sgt ngn wallpaper nih?
Wanita ini lawo n chomel.. ohh erika sawajiri... haha

3) tag ni utk :
  • Malas la..
4) four names that friends call u
  • YuSnO
  • FiRdaUs
  • SenNo
  • UnO
  • KaK NoR??haha
5) four most important date in ur life
  • 2/3(ingat ni sudeyh)
6) four things u do in the last 30 minutes
  • stdy Math
  • Main Mespes
  • Melantak kat Bilik kwn
  • Tgok Handset
7) four ways to be happy
  • Karoke( xpn Bukak Lagu Pas2 melalak)
  • Mengutuk Org n Merapu.. haha
  • Wat Keje gile.
  • Igt Tuhan
8) four people u miss from the past
  • My Family.
  • My School Mate
  • Kwan Kat Matrik
  • Sape Penah Bejase ngn ak.. hoho
9) four give u would like to receive
  • Car
  • Duet adelah segalanya.. haha
  • Laptop graphic tggi.. keke
  • Pape yg best
10) four of ur favourite hobby
  • makan
  • main laptop
  • merapu n melalak.
  • tgk org..hehe
11) four country / place u wish for ur vacation
  • Mekkah
  • Phuket
  • Las Vegas
  • Europe
12) four of favourite drinks.
  • Maggo Susu
  • Bandung Cincau
  • Anggur susu
  • Pape Ice Blended Berunsur Coklat.. hehe
13) four things always found in your hangbag(mane de handbag.. dalam sluar r) .
  • Wallet
  • Kunci2 yg penting
  • Handset
  • Tissue
14) top for hangouts
  • Sume Membe ak Top..

15) top u love the most
  • Family
  • Friends
  • Sape2 Yang Ku Suke
  • Bdak2 Kecik Yang Comel..
  • Manuse2 di Muke Bumi.... hehe


MieTo said...

pe la ko..
soalan mat salleh, jawab melayu..
xrockers tol !! ceh.

Anonymous said...

nak kete eh? hahaha...

ko tempat ko nk pegi ..phukeT? cari ayam ke? hahaha...
las vegas?? nk g berjudi ke? isk isk

YusnurYunus said...

ek eleyh.....
org melayu jwb melayu la......

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